Why you should call upon an interior designer when you do renovation work

Why you should call upon an interior designer when you do renovation work
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You wish to do renovation work in your house, but don’t know where to start? Or you have ideas but don’t know how to actually make them? Then you should call upon an interior designer to help you in your project!

What does an interior designer do?

An interior designer can be helpful in a variety of projects:

  • Decoration, if you wish to give one of your rooms a new, fresh look (for example a living room)
  • Renovation, if, for example, your kitchen or bathroom is old and you want it to be more modern, or more ecological
  • Layout, if you want, for instance, to organise your attic, your garage, or any empty space

As you can see, the interior designer’s job is incredibly varied, and they’ll be able to help you no matter what you need.

The advantages of calling upon an interior designer

Doing renovation work on your own can be pretty daunting, especially if it’s a big project. Mistakes can easily be made if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, which could lead to disastrous consequences. That is why calling upon an interior designer is a good idea, since it has a lot of benefits.

They offer sound advice

Since the interior designer is a professional, they’ll know exactly what to do to bring your project to life and give you sound advice while respecting your constraints (financial, space-wise, etc.)

They’ll fulfil your needs but also help you define your project more and bring a fresh perspective on the situation.

In a layout project, they’ll be able to advise you on where to put stairs, windows, etc.

In a renovation project, they’ll have advice regarding the lighting system, storage space…

The interior designer knows all about the latest trends, so they’ll be able to give you precious information that would have been difficult, if not impossible, to obtain otherwise.

They know to respect the rules

Some layout/renovation works require administrative procedures that can be incredibly lengthy if you do them on your own. The interior designer can help make the process faster. They know the legislation and will therefore make a project that perfectly respects it.

They can also help you with administrative procedures, if they are required (as they sometimes are in the case of big renovation works).

The interior designer can also ensure the proper monitoring of the work site, so that everything goes as smoothly as possible, and is done in a timely manner. That way, you are guaranteed a certain peace of mind.

They have a well-filled address book

Depending of the size of the work site/project, you may need the help of other workers: a plumber, a carpenter, an electrician…

The interior designer will be able to find the professionals you need thanks to their well-filled address book.

Calling upon an interior designer will increase your accommodation’s value

Calling upon an interior designer is investing money in your housing, which means that, in the long term, its value will increase. That will allow you to ask for a higher price if you want to sell your accommodation one day.

You’ll get a tailor-made result

The interior designer will use both your project and their knowledge to create something that represents and suits you. They can precise your project by using their expertise and experience. They can also help when it comes to choosing materials, colours, or appliances (if you want to renovate your kitchen for example).

If you have an atypical room where finding a proper layout seems impossible, there’s no doubt that an interior designer will know what to do. With the help of sketches and 3D models, they can show you their ideas and you can discuss and choose what you like best.

An interior designer can be specialised in an area

If some interior designers are general and work on all kinds of projects, others specialise themselves in an area.

This is the case of Xavier Lemoine. His agency, Xavier Lemoine Architecture d’Intérieur, is based in Paris and was created in 2014. You can find their work on their Instagram account or on their website: https://www.xavierlemoine.com/en/home

This agency makes layout, renovation, and decoration work, but it is also specialised in the layout of Hausmannian apartments.

Their work is a true alliance between modernity and the Hausmannian style of 19th century France. Their projects are, most of the time, big and time consuming, and they always have the same goal: fulfil their client’s wishes.

Their work has been talked about in several publications, notably the book Private Spaces, published by Beta Plus. The agency has also been chosen by the luxury brand Louis Vuiton to create visuals for the historical house of Asnières.


John is an award winning freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories about travel and economics issues.

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